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Chili Dishes That You May Find At A Family Restaurant

Chili is a popular comfort food in many parts of the country, with different regions preparing this simple dish in slightly different ways. You can find chili in various types of eateries, including in family restaurants. This is a dish that children and adults alike can enjoy, and while you can make chili at home with relative ease, it's nice to sample it in various forms at a restaurant. If you're in an area that is somewhat known for its chili, it's common to find a few different chili dishes on the menu of the family restaurant you visit. Here are three ways to order it.

Chili Bowl

The simplest, and perhaps the most common, way to order chili is by the bowl. You'll often see different bowl sizes, so you can order based on your appetite. Some eateries have a few different types of chili on their menus. Often, these dishes are rated according to their heat. You may have a young child who favors a low or medium level of heat, while you might be keen to try something with a higher heat level that results from the chili having more cayenne and other spicy ingredients.

Chili Dogs

Hot dogs are often on the menu at family restaurants and can be popular with children. Adults may occasionally enjoy ordering a plate of hot dogs, especially when they feature tasty toppings such as chili. Chili dogs are a fun meal to eat, either by hand or with a knife and fork. In addition to the chili, a chili dog can often have additional toppings available. Some people favor diced white onions on the chili, grated cheese, and other similar ingredients. The more things you add to your chili dogs, the more hearty they'll be.

Chili And Potatoes

Another dish that you'll often find is chili served on a potato. The preparation of the potato can vary according to the family restaurant you visit. At some establishments, you can order chili on top of a baked potato. At others, you'll see chili on a dish of potato wedges. The taste of these dishes is fairly similar, and you can often add a selection of toppings to enhance your order. Some people like melted cheese, green onions, bacon bits, and sour cream on top, for example. If you're interested in ordering chili in one of these ways during your next restaurant meal, look for a local family eatery.

For more information, contact a company like National Coney Island.
