Understanding Restaurant Management Issues

Opting For Healthy Buffet Items At Family Restaurants

Choosing a family restaurant, like Buffalo Phil's Pizza & Grille, to dine at can be a difficult task when everyone has a specific type of food that they want to eat. The best resolution to the problem is to opt for buffet style dining, and you can base the decision on whether or not healthy food items are being served. This article will go over some of the family restaurant options that are available if you want a better chance of healthy items being served on the buffet.

Opt for a Chinese Restaurant

One of the best things about taking your family to a Chinese restaurant is that there will be plenty of healthy food items to choose from. Chinese food is often cooked with a large amount of healthy vegetables like broccoli, corn and carrots. For instance, one of the common vegetables used in Chinese food are green peas. Consuming green peas is a healthy thing to do because of the phytonutrients that they contain. Eating green pees can actually help with the prevention of stomach cancer. Some of the other health benefits of green peas include:

  • High fiber for easier bowel movements
  • Keeping weight under control because they have low fat
  • Antioxidants & vitamins that can fight prevent heart disease

Enjoy Mexican Restaurant Dishes

Although there are some menu items that are served in Mexican Restaurants that can be unhealthy, there are also plenty of healthy options. You can opt for a buffet that has fish tacos for your family to enjoy. The healthy thing about fist tacos is that they contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, depending on the type of fish being served. Fish tacos with salmon are the ideal choice because of the high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids that can keep cardiovascular health under control.

The toppings on fish tacos are also healthy, such as tomatoes that contains lycopene. The lycopene in tomatoes contain antioxidants that can be beneficial to the health of your bones. Mexican food is also usually served with good amounts of cheese, which is healthy because the amount of calcium that you and your family will consume. Calcium is good for the bones just like the antioxidants the lycopene in tomatoes have, as well as for keeping teeth strong and in a good condition. Keep Chinese and Mexican family restaurants in mind when you are dining with your and want to make sure healthy food options are available on the buffet!
